Our Spring/Summer sale is March 1, 2025!
Register to sell or volunteer at www.myconsignmentmanager.com/mother2mothersale
consignment sale
mother to mother
fall/winter sale
spring/summer sale
gently used
Tagging Instructions
Tags must be printed on WHITE CARDSTOCK.
Select "normal" for print quality.
Print single-sided tags only.
You may consign up to 1000 items. There is a minimum price of $1.00 for all items. Like items or sets may be grouped together and sold as “one item”.
Tags should be safety pinned to right side of the clothing when it is facing you. Please only use SAFETY pins.
MOST clothing items for our Sale are placed FOLDED on the tables. The exceptions are dresses, suits, jackets, and dress up clothes.
Hang dresses, suits, and jackets on hangers with the hook facing left to look like a question mark (?). Only dresses, suits, jackets, and dress up clothes should be on hangers. ALL other clothing must be folded.
Only seasonally appropriate items will be accepted. Styles should be current and items should be in excellent condition. Anything with stains, holes, pet hair, etc, will be rejected.
Button all buttons, snap all snaps, and zip all zippers. All clothing should be clean and pressed.
Furniture, or other large items in pieces, will need to be put together by the seller either before item drop off or when you arrive. Do not wait for your items to be checked in before you assemble large items.
Sort all of your items by category, grouping clothing by size and gender. By sorting prior to entering, you will save time by only reentering the price and description for each similar item.
When sorting is completed, enter your items into the system.
Be descriptive on your tags in case they are separated from your item. Example "pink ballerina t-shirt” instead of just “girls shirt”.
All sizes must be numerical: no small, medium, etc. The exception is Junior Girls. For Junior Girls, enter a numerical size or n/a in the size tab and then list the correct size (small, large, etc.) in the description.
Printing can be performed at any time, at intervals, or all at once when you finish entering your items. You can only print your tags from mothertomothersale.org.
Please make sure that your tag is WHITE CARDSTOCK (65#) paper.
Tags should be blank on the back. Please do NOT PRINT YOUR TAGS DOUBLE-SIDED.
Once your tags are printed, make sure the barcode is clear and not excessively dark (use NORMAL setting when printing, not BEST quality). Cut on the lines and safety pin to the right side when the clothing is facing you.
When applying tape to the toys, equipment, etc. please do not put tape on the barcode.
Tags on items in bags should be placed in a sandwich bag and taped to the larger bag to allow for proper removal during the de-tagging. For example, if you have bundled an assortment of books, a set of toys with pieces, or a bedding ensemble in a large bag, please tape your tag inside a sandwich bag to the outer bag.