Our Spring/Summer sale is March 1, 2025!
Register to sell or volunteer at www.myconsignmentmanager.com/mother2mothersale
consignment sale
mother to mother
fall/winter sale
spring/summer sale
gently used
Seller’s Checklist
_____All clothing MUST be folded except for dresses, suits, coats, snowsuits/pants, jackets, and dress-up clothes.
_____All outfits must be safety pinned together. Bottom of shirt pinned to the top of pants/shorts.
_____Tags are pinned with safety pins. Items tagged with straight pins will be rejected.
_____Tags are clearly printed on WHITE cardstock on the NORMAL setting.
_____If you are selling multiple items as a group, please be sure to place all items in one bag so they are not separated. For example, if you are selling a Little People Set, be sure to place all the pieces to the set in a bag and attach it carefully to the play-set.
_____All items are in size and gender order.
_____All toys MUST have batteries, so we can ensure they are in working order.
_____You have a drop-off time and have allowed 30-45 minutes from your drop-off time for your items to be checked in.
_____You have a volunteer shift if you want to shop the pre-sale Friday evening.
_____You have scheduled your childcare. Children are not allowed at the sale.
_____All items are entered by 8 pm on Thursday, February 27, 2025.
_____The following items will not be accepted:
Stuffed animals or plush toys (no Squishmallows or similar)
Toys without working batteries
Baby food or formula
Expired car seats
Children’s movies rated PG-13 or higher
Dirty potty seats
Bottle nipples
Cribs that have been recalled or have a drop side
Crib bumpers
Any recalled items
Torn, stained, or damaged items.